Computacenter kooperiert mit RadarServices

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Computacenter gibt seine Partnerschaft mit RadarServices bekannt, einem führenden Anbieter von Detection-and-Response-Lösungen für IT-Risiken.

With organisations increasingly looking for security solutions that meet compliance standards for data privacy and services, this partnership will enable Computacenter to offer its customers enhanced cyber defence services by leveraging the unique RadarServices in-house risk detection and assessment technology.

Jan Mueller, Computacenter’s Group Director of Security Strategy commented “The RadarService portfolio perfectly complements our own security portfolio and provides exciting additional capability with which we can secure our Customer’s IT.”

Computacenter’s Cyber Defence Center is in constant communication with the security analysts from RadarServices and together they are able to provide a thorough and detailed insight into the current threat situation anywhere in the globe. RadarServices has its own research division and continually develops software that is capable of identifying deviation from standard data traffic, ensuring that previously unknown attack patterns and malware are reliably and comprehensively detected and exposed.

This unique offering also ensures that all data remains securely on the customer premises and allows organisations to assess both traditional IT estates and new IoT infrastructures. As a result, Computacenter customers can now take advantage of an ‘early warning system’ for their IT estate, which is always up-to-date, supported by trained security experts from both Computacenter and RadarServices who deliver accessible and comprehensive security insight.

About RadarServices

RadarServices is Europe’s leading technology company in the field of Detection and Response. In focus: The early detection of IT security risks for corporations and public authorities offered in the basis used for building up a client’s Security Operations Center (SOC) or it is used as SOC as a Service. The result: Highly effective and efficient improvement of IT security and IT risk management, continuous IT security monitoring and an overview of security-related information throughout the entire IT landscape of an organisation.

The RadarService portfolio perfectly complements our own security portfolio and provides exciting additional capability with which we can secure our Customer’s IT.

Jan Mueller, Computacenter’s Group Director of Security Strategy

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