Lernen Sie unseren neuen Non-Executive Chairman, Peter Ryan, kennen

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Wir freuen uns, die Ernennung von Peter Ryan zum Non-Executive Chairman bekannt zu geben.

Peter Ryan

Peter Ryan will, subject to shareholder approval, become Chairman at the conclusion of the Company's Annual General Meeting on 16 May 2019, when Greg Lock will retire from the Company after serving as Non-Executive Chairman of Computacenter since July 2008.

Peter Ryan joined the Board in February 2018 as an independent Non-Executive Director and has been appointed as Chairman following a thorough selection process led by the Special Nomination Committee which involved consideration of internal and external candidates, with assistance from a search consultancy. Peter continues to be independent on appointment to the Chairmanship. With effect from 16 May 2019, Peter will also succeed Greg as Chairman of the Nomination Committee and step down as a member of the Audit Committee.

Peter has had a successful 37-year international career in technology encompassing all dimensions of the industry including software, services, systems integration, outsourcing and infrastructure.  Over the last 11 years, Peter has held roles such as Chief Sales Officer with Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Chief Client Officer at Logica plc and Executive Vice President, Global Sales and Services with Sun Microsystems Inc.

Commenting on the appointment, Ros Rivaz, the Company's Senior Independent Director who led the planned succession process, said: "I am pleased that Peter has been chosen to succeed Greg as Chairman.  We ran a good process to determine the best possible candidate to lead the Board through the next phase in the Company’s development."

Greg Lock, commented, “On a personal note I say goodbye to you all, after 11 years as Chairman – the best job I have ever had! It is time for me to hand over to Peter Ryan, who has been on our Board for

a year. I am confident in his personality, experience and expertise, and I look forward to watching how our investments deliver continuous improvements in results”.

Mike Norris, CEO, said, “Greg Lock has lead the Company for the last 11 years, a period which has seen significant change and strong performance. I thank Greg personally and on behalf of the Company for his enthusiasm, commitment and great leadership during his time as Chairman. My fellow Board Members and I are confident that Peter's personal qualities and extensive, relevant, international sector experience will lead us through the challenges and opportunities ahead. Peter has already made a significant contribution to the work of the Board as a Non-Executive Director, with his excellent knowledge of the environment in which we operate, and I look forward to working with him more closely as we continue to develop and implement our strategy of enabling success”.

A search for a new Non-Executive Director is underway and a further announcement will be made in due course.

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